Tuesday, August 26, 2008

LuxSugar <3 You!

Hi Luxies,

We know, we know LuxSugar appears to have neglected you on the blog posts but that is because we have been busy little bees in the kitchen creating new flavors and filling orders. You can view our new pics on Flickr, keyword "LuxSugar".

LuxSugar will not be at the fleas this weekend due in part to the large influx of orders this holiday weekend and we decided to try and find time to enjoy this holiday weekend and there have been rumors about a LuxSugar picnic in the park :-)

So to tide you over till our next post enjoy the pretty pictures :-)

From a loft party this past Saturday- Assorted minis with a "K" for the birthday girl.

An assortment of Minis for a Saks 5th Ave event

A platter of Lux Lemon Bars all dressed up and ready for the graduation party.



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